Dr. Marcus Böttger
- Lawyer
- Certified Specialist for Criminal Law
- Partner
«Auch in der Strafverteidigung gilt: Wer den Frieden will, muss für den Krieg gerüstet sein.»
Dr Marcus Böttger is a founding partner of the law firm and one of the most renowned German lawyers for commercial and tax criminal law. He advises companies on prevention and compliance and regularly assists executives as a criminal defence lawyer.
In particular, he has experience with proceedings with a high public profile, such as the recent "cum-ex" case and the so-called Dieselgate complex. He attaches particular importance to ensuring that, if at all possible, proceedings against executives do not even see the light of day. If this does happen, his top strategic priority is to prevent public prejudgement.
As an external compliance consultant, Dr Böttger not only develops compliance management systems for corporations, medium-sized companies and public bodies, but also operates whistleblower systems for companies. Dr Böttger has played a key role in shaping the development of criminal law compliance consulting in Germany.
His recognised expertise in commercial and tax criminal law as well as in criminal compliance advice is confirmed annually by awards in several renowned lawyer rankings. Other lawyers also recommend Dr Böttger particularly frequently. In complex large-scale proceedings in which various law firms cooperate, his open and cooperative manner is appreciated, as the sector magazine JUVE Rechtsmarkt attests.
Dr Böttger is the editor of the handbook "Wirtschaftsstrafrecht in der Praxis" and the author of numerous publications on white-collar criminal law. In addition to teaching at the German Graduate School of Management and Law and the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, he was also an honorary judge at the Lawyers' Court of North Rhine-Westphalia for several years.
- Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V.
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Strafrecht des DAV
- Deutsche Strafverteidiger e.V.
- Deutsch-Britische Juristenvereinigung e.V.
- Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Vereinigung e.V.
- International Bar Association (IBA)
- 2012 – 2017
Richter am Anwaltsgerichtshof des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
- 2006 – heute
Dozententätigkeit für u.a. die DeutscheAnwaltAkademie, ManagementCircle und das Bundeskriminalamt, Lehraufträge der GGS – German Graduate School of Management & Law (Heilbronn), der Hochschule Fresenius (Köln) sowie ehemals der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- 2006 – 2022
Lehraufträge der GGS - German Graduate School of Management & Law (Heilbronn), der Hochschule Fresenius (Köln) sowie ehemals der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- 2006
Gründung der Kanzlei VBB Rechtsanwälte
- 2001 – 2006
Partner der Kanzlei Wessing II Verjans
- seit 2000
Fachanwalt für Strafrecht
- 1996 – 2006
Rechtsanwalt und (ab 2001) Partner in der Kanzlei Wessing II Verjans
- 1996
Zulassung zur Rechtsanwaltschaft
- 1996
Promotion zum Dr. iur.
- 1990 – 1994
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit im Landtag des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
- 1986 – 1990
Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und an der London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Publications & Presentations