Dr. Sebastian Beckschäfer
- Lawyer
- Certified specialist for tax law
- Partner
«Schnell und überlegt zu handeln und dabei diplomatisch zu bleiben, ist der Kern meiner Arbeit. Diplomatie heißt dabei nicht, auf klare Worte zu verzichten, sondern die richtigen Waffen zu wählen. Die größten Erfolge sind schließlich die Verfahren, die gar nicht erst eingeleitet werden.»
Dr Sebastian Beckschäfer has been a lawyer since 2009 and a partner in the firm since 2018. He is a specialist lawyer for tax law and advises and defends individuals in tax criminal law as well as in selected areas of commercial criminal law, such as labour, competition and customs criminal law. He has many years of experience in providing compliance advice to numerous companies and advising on specific investigation proceedings.
When defending individuals, Dr Beckschäfer attaches particular importance to taking into account the various legal and personal dimensions of criminal proceedings. He always advises corporate groups and medium-sized companies strategically beyond the accusation in order to minimise risks for the future and establish sustainable compliance systems. His expertise in the organisational avoidance of tax criminal law and labour law risks is particularly in demand. Together with his team, he conducts internal investigations or coordinates them as a central point of contact.
Clients appreciate his clear recommendations for action and, according to the sector magazine Juve, his colleagues appreciate his innovative solutions and collegial approach. This is particularly true in large-scale proceedings, for example in connection with cum-ex transactions or allegations of illegal employment. Wirtschaftswoche and the Handelsblatt Best Lawyers Ranking rank him among Germany's top lawyers in white-collar criminal law.
Dr Beckschäfer is a lecturer in commercial and tax criminal law at the Ruhr University in Bochum. He is the author of numerous publications in the specialised press.
- Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V.
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Strafrecht des DAV
- Wirtschaftsstrafrechtliche Vereinigung e.V. (WisteV)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Fachanwälte für Steuerrecht e.V.
- Beirat der Tagungsreihe Economy, Criminal Law, Ethics (ECLE)
- seit 2018
Partner der Kanzlei VBB Rechtsanwälte
- seit 2012
Rechtsanwalt in der Kanzlei VBB Rechtsanwälte
- 2012
Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht
- 2011
Promotion zum Dr. iur. mit einer strafrechtlichen Dissertation
- 2009 – 2011
Rechtsanwalt in der Kanzlei Streck Mack Schwedhelm (Köln & München)
- 2007 – 2009
Referendariat beim Landgericht Dortmund
- 2005 – 2009
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht, Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und internationales Strafrecht (Prof. Dr. Gereon Wolters) an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- 1999 – 2004
Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Publications & Presentations