Sven Diener, LL.M.

  • Lawyer
  • Partner

«Für Gerechtigkeit zu kämpfen bedeutet, unermüdlich für die zu sprechen, die ihre Stimme verloren haben»


Düsseldorf Office
Königsallee 74
40212 Düsseldorf

T.+49 211 36 777 0
F.+49 211 36 777 36

SecretaryIna Landshoeft

Seat of admissionDüsseldorf



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Sven Diener has been a lawyer at VBB since 2016 and a partner in the firm since 2022. He represents and advises companies and their officers as well as individuals in all areas of white-collar criminal law. He specialises in competition and foreign trade criminal law and also represents clients in sports criminal law and sports disciplinary proceedings, for example before the FIFA Ethics Committee. In 2020, he obtained the title "Master of Laws" in sports law at the University of Bayreuth.

The trade and business press ranks Diener as one of the top lawyers in the areas of white-collar criminal law and compliance; Handelsblatt, among others, listed him as "Lawyer of the Future" in the 2021 Best Lawyers ranking and since 2022 - as well as the sector magazine JUVE and WirtschaftsWoche - as one of the leading lawyers in these areas. He was also involved in high-profile proceedings at an early stage. Diener has defended clients in complex large-scale proceedings such as the so-called "Sommermärchen" proceedings in connection with the 2006 World Cup or the Deutsche Bank "CO2 sales tax carousel".

In addition, Sven Diener supports companies of various sizes on an ongoing basis in the context of preventive criminal law and compliance advice, in particular in the development and expansion of internal guidelines for the delegation of criminal law responsibility. His advice is characterised by a holistic view of the bigger picture.

Mr Diener is the author of articles in specialist journals and handbooks and is also a speaker at in-house training courses and specialist events. Diener is the contact person for the Western regional group of the Wirtschaftsstrafrechtliche Vereinigung e.V. (WisteV).


  • Altstipendiaten der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.
  • Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V. (DAV)
  • JDWA – Verein Junger Düsseldorfer Wirtschaftsanwälte e.V.
  • Wirtschaftsstrafrechtliche Vereinigung e.V. (WisteV)
  • Wirtschaftsrat Deutschland

"souverän, kollegial", "gutes Augenmaß"

Wettbewerber - JUVE Handbuch 2024/25

„fachl. und menschl. super; der nächste starke Mann bei VBB"

Wettbewerber – JUVE Handbuch 2022/2023

„Führender Anwalt“ in den Bereichen Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, Steuerstrafrecht sowie Corporate Governance & Compliance

Handelsblatt Best Lawyers 2022, 2023, 2024

„TOP-Anwalt im Bereich Compliance“

WirtschaftsWoche 2022-2024

„TOP-Anwalt im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht“

WirtschaftsWoche 2020-2022

„Anwalt der Zukunft“ in den Bereichen Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, Steuerstrafrecht sowie Corporate Governance & Compliance

Handelsblatt Best Lawyers 2021


  • seit 2022

    Partner der Kanzlei VBB Rechtsanwälte

  • 2020

    Master of Laws (LL.M.) Sportrecht an der Universität Bayreuth

  • seit 2016

    Rechtsanwalt in der Kanzlei VBB Rechtsanwälte

  • 2013 – 2015

    Referendariat beim Landgericht Mönchengladbach, u.a. mit Station an der Deutschen Botschaft in Ankara (Türkei)

  • 2008 – 2013

    Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Passau und der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Publi­cations & Presen­tations

Sven Diener, LL.M.

Other Team Members

Dr. Marcus Böttger

Dr. Marcus Böttger

Certified Specialist for Criminal Law
Dr. Hjalmar Mahn

Dr. Hjalmar Mahn

Dr. Matthias Brockhaus

Dr. Matthias Brockhaus

Certified Specialist for Criminal Law
Dr. Sebastian Beckschäfer

Dr. Sebastian Beckschäfer

Certified specialist for tax law
Marc Neuhaus

Marc Neuhaus

Certified consultant for criminal tax law (DAA)
René Scheier

René Scheier

Justus Kraft, LL.M.

Justus Kraft, LL.M.

Carolin Baumeister

Carolin Baumeister

Dr. Simon Ulc

Dr. Simon Ulc

Renate Verjans

Renate Verjans

Of Counsel